Thursday, January 7, 2010

First Birthday Bib What Should I Get A 1 Year Old For His Birthday?

What should I get a 1 year old for his birthday? - first birthday bib

Together with our friend had a child. This weekend my mother and I are on the birthday party of his 1st invited. Do something really important. As enouph clothes, bibs, shoes .. and so on. So I wanted to do something that is fun and can be used outdoors. It is a tri-cycle, but it is too big for him. I can not think of anything good. Outiside and enjoy this most of the time. Although in the foreseeable future will be cold where I live. Perhaps outdoor / toys at home would be the best.


cruzgirl... said...

Rogues have a store, the push and things over the years, one could love. You can also eat something wrong.

sgm said...

When mower bubble in which I live, I'd buy one. You are funny and 20 months, and I loved playing with him. If you can not find one, a ride and go toys, go to the child, then it is a little toy horse. They are inexpensive and costs about $ 20. My son has one too. I was the child an extraordinary gift, just because he is a year old and does not remember his first birthday. Good luck!

Rday said...

They have these cute toy lawn mower, and puts a shovel buckets. Also, every child has a truck that can carry it anywhere you can be a truck and a shovel and a sentence that the truck would drive around to fill with dirt and dump. I have no child, but I have a few kids in my family (5 brothers, 3 nephews, etc.) Look me in the store and see what catches your attention. Good luck.

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